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Thought Bubble -> Cloud -> Puddle

This is thoroughly charming. My thought bubbles frequently do strange things, but never quite like this. But the next time they envelop …


  Dear Fork, I understand that we haven’t spoken since I ran away with the dish, but I thought you should know …

Screebbul [Gemma Correll]

Heehee! by Gemma Correll (Whose site I also quite enjoy. Lots more goodies in her portfolio!) via My Modern Metropolis

Happy dogs

Happy Dogs

So cute it’s ridiculous. Courtesy of my sister and her happy dogs.

→ Apr 25

Little Italy Artwalk = food, art, and loads of squeal-worthy dogs. Like this one, perched on its human’s shoulder with its butt …

→ Feb 17

Julie aka Jurierurie, my sister’s adorable dog. Absolutely aww-inducing! (pic from my sister)