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Quotes, Page 3

Some Ways of Dying

The point, of course, is that the people who spent days and sweated buckets could also have taken an aircraft to the …

Absence of Gravitas

-The point is: what happens in heaven? -Unknowable wonderfulness? -Nonsense. The answer is nothing. Nothing can happen because if something happens, in …

Jolt. [Alain de Botton]

“Airports help to put us in touch with the idea of alternatives — they relativize us. They make us think that right …

Jeremy Goldberg

I love shooting actresses and musicians is not just because of what they do, but because of who they are. They’re not …

→ Jul 24

In this way, vagabonding is like a pilgrimage without a specific destination or goal–not a quest for answers so much as a …

Nathan Fillion to Liv Tyler

If I was half the woman you are, I’d be twice the man I am. Nathan Fillion to Liv Tyler Super panel …