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Old school

Made me stop and look. It has a different feel to it that I don’t usually see walking the streets around here! …

Destructive Creation

His point is simple: censorship captures the imagination, but the process of creation might be even more destructive. In order to write …

42! Babelfish not needed.

They’re ordering food in Hindi… without knowing a single word of Hindi. (Apparently it’s quite accurate!) Unfortunately, Google Translate won’t help you …

Typefaces of the World [Shelby White]

Gorgeously presented data makes my heart happy. This poster by Shelby White, self-described as designer and photographer based out of Seattle, is no …

Screebbul [Gemma Correll]

Heehee! by Gemma Correll (Whose site I also quite enjoy. Lots more goodies in her portfolio!) via My Modern Metropolis


Reeder [Website]

I haven’t drooled over a site in a while. Visit this site for the reeder app, hover over each option and see …