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life, Page 2

Some Ways of Dying

The point, of course, is that the people who spent days and sweated buckets could also have taken an aircraft to the …

Absence of Gravitas

-The point is: what happens in heaven? -Unknowable wonderfulness? -Nonsense. The answer is nothing. Nothing can happen because if something happens, in …

Jolt. [Alain de Botton]

“Airports help to put us in touch with the idea of alternatives — they relativize us. They make us think that right …

Lettered Embrace

This is one of my favorite ads of all time. It gets to me every time I see it. I love handwritten …


When you are interiorly free you call others to freedom, whether you know it or not. Freedom attracts wherever it appears. A …

In the presence of everything around me

There were bison crossing over the road–two thousand pound mammals crossing over the road… It was about 60 below 0. And the bison, as they breathed, their …